Chinese Elm Bonsai Tree

Chinese Elm Bonsai Tree Care Guide [2021]

Chinese Elm Bonsai Tree Care Guide [2021]

A Chinese Elm bonsai tree is a beautiful and elegant choice to use as a decoration or gift.

Here are some tips for caring for your new Chinese elm bonsai.

1) water your plant regularly, but not too much!

2) trim the branches with scissors

3) fertilize once every 10-15 days

4) repot after two years

5) don’t forget about winter! Keep it in an area that stays above 50 degrees

6) remove old leaves

7) And finally, enjoy your beautiful new companion!

Let’s look at these tips in more depth.

Watering a chinese elm

The plant needs to be kept moist, but do not let the soil get soggy.  After you water, do not let any moisture remain at the bottom of the pot. Use a watering can when watering your bonsai

How often do you water a chinese elm?

You should be lightly watering your plant every day or two.

How much water do you use to water a Chinese Elm Bonsai tree?

Just enough to keep the soil moist, but not saturated.

After you water, it is best to drain any excess moisture from the bottom of the pot.

Pruning a chinese elm bonsai

Pruning a Chinese elm bonsai tree is very similar to pruning any other plant.

If you take out dead or unwanted branches, that’s all there really is to it.

How often do I prune the chinese elm bonsai?

It is good practice to trim your plants on a weekly basis.

How do I prune the chinese elm bonsai?

Most people use a pair of scissors for this job.

When do you prune Chinese Elm Bonsai?

You should be pruning your Chinese Elm Bonsai plant on a regular basis.

What’s the best way to trim Chinese elm bonsai?  

You should not use pruning shears for this job; instead, you should remove branches with your fingers or fingernail clippers.

Fertilizing a chinese elm

Fertilizing a Chinese Elm Bonsai tree is recommended once every 10-15 days.

There are many different fertilizers on the market, but most work well for these plants.

How do you fertilize a chinese elm bonsai tree?

You can use almost any type of fertilizer (liquid or granular) and apply it according to the directions on the package.

The best thing to do is follow your manufacturer’s instructions if you are unsure.

Repotting a chinese elm

Repotting a Chinese Elm Bonsai tree is recommended every other year.

When to repot a chinese elm bonsai tree

It’s best to repot your plant during the late winter or early spring.

You can also do this in the summer, but it’s not ideal because the plant is so actively growing.

How do you repot a chinese elm bonsai tree?

The best way to repot your plant is by removing it from the pot and rinsing off any old soil.

It is usually necessary to cut away some of the roots when repotting, but be sure to leave some room for growth.

Once the plant is in its new pot, be sure to add fresh soil and pack it down well around the roots.

How do you make a chinese elm bonsai  stay alive through winter?

Many people ask how you can keep your Bonsai safe during the colder months.

In order to keep your plant alive through winter, you should move it into an area where the temperature stays above 50 degrees.

It’s a good idea to place your tree in an unheated garage or covered porch during this time.

Removing old leaves from a chinese elm bonsai

It’s best to remove old leaves from your Chinese Elm Bonsai tree from time-to-time.

The best way to do this is by lightly shaking or brushing the plant. Please note that you should never tear off leaves when removing them; always use your fingers or fingernail clippers for this job.


The Chinese Elm bonsai has a long life expectancy and is perfect for beginners because it’s not too difficult to take care of.

It also looks great in any setting, whether you’re looking for something small or large. Be sure when purchasing one that the pot is wide enough so as to provide adequate room for root growth.

If you’ve been considering getting your first tree but don’t know where to start- this should be your go-to!

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Greg Reed

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