June 25, 2023

What Fertilizer To Use On Small Bonsai Trees

Table of Contents

Recently we published an article on the 9 best bonsai trees for under $30.

and named the most popular by global sales.

While that post has been popular, how do you keep your new small bonsai tree healthy?

In this post, we are going to describe what fertilizer best suits the small bonsai trees mentioned to get the 9 best results.

Juniper Bonsai Tree – Small

Fertilizing is an important aspect of bonsai tree care, as it provides essential nutrients for healthy growth and development. When it comes to a small Juniper bonsai tree, selecting the right fertilizer is crucial to ensure optimal health and vitality. In this post, we will discuss the key factors to consider when choosing a fertilizer for your small Juniper bonsai tree and recommend some suitable options.

Balanced NPK Ratio

The NPK ratio refers to the proportions of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) present in the fertilizer. For a small Juniper bonsai tree, it is recommended to use a balanced fertilizer with an equal or similar NPK ratio, such as 10-10-10 or 14-14-14. This balanced ratio provides a steady supply of essential nutrients for overall growth and promotes a healthy root system.

Slow-Release or Organic Fertilizer

Consider using slow-release or organic fertilizers for your small Juniper bonsai tree. Slow-release fertilizers gradually release nutrients over an extended period, providing a sustained supply to the tree. Organic fertilizers, derived from natural sources, are gentle and promote long-term soil health. They also help maintain a balanced microorganism population in the soil, supporting beneficial symbiotic relationships.

Liquid vs. Granular Fertilizer

Both liquid and granular fertilizers can be suitable for small Juniper bonsai trees, depending on your preference and watering routine. Liquid fertilizers are mixed with water and applied directly to the soil or foliage, allowing for quick absorption by the roots. Granular fertilizers are sprinkled on the soil surface and gradually release nutrients over time. Choose a form that aligns with your watering and maintenance routine.

Seasonal Adjustments

Consider adjusting your fertilizer application based on the seasons and the growth cycle of your Juniper bonsai tree. During the active growing season, typically in spring and summer, increase the frequency of fertilization to support vigorous growth. In the dormant season, reduce or stop fertilization to allow the tree to rest and prepare for the next growth cycle.

Dilution and Application

Follow the instructions provided by the fertilizer manufacturer for proper dilution and application. Over-fertilization can lead to nutrient burn or damage to the tree, so it is crucial to apply the fertilizer in the recommended quantities. Dilute liquid fertilizers as directed and apply them evenly to the soil, avoiding contact with the foliage. With granular fertilizers, ensure even distribution on the soil surface, and lightly rake it in or water it after application.

Recommended Fertilizers for Small Juniper Bonsai Trees:

Osmocote Indoor/Outdoor Granular Fertilizer

This slow-release fertilizer provides a balanced NPK ratio and is suitable for both indoor and outdoor Juniper bonsai trees. It releases nutrients over several months, reducing the need for frequent application.

Dyna-Gro Bonsai-Pro Liquid Fertilizer

This liquid fertilizer is specially formulated for bonsai trees and contains a balanced NPK ratio. It is easy to dilute and apply, providing essential nutrients for healthy growth.

Espoma Organic Indoor Liquid Plant Food

This organic liquid fertilizer is suitable for indoor Juniper bonsai trees. It is derived from natural sources and provides a gentle and sustainable supply of nutrients.

Remember, fertilizing should be done in conjunction with proper watering, light exposure, and overall bonsai care practices. It is essential to monitor the tree’s response to the fertilizer and adjust the application frequency or strength as needed. With the right fertilizer and a well-rounded care routine, your small Juniper bonsai tree will thrive and bring you years of enjoyment.

Hawaiian Umbrella Bonsai Tree – Small

Proper fertilization is essential for the health and growth of any bonsai tree, including the small Hawaiian Umbrella (Schefflera arboricola) bonsai tree. Selecting the right fertilizer is crucial to provide the necessary nutrients for vibrant foliage and overall vitality. In this post, we will discuss the key considerations when choosing a fertilizer for your small Hawaiian Umbrella bonsai tree and suggest some suitable options.

Balanced NPK Ratio

Look for a balanced fertilizer with a similar or equal NPK ratio, such as 10-10-10 or 14-14-14. This balanced ratio ensures a steady supply of essential nutrients, including nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), which are necessary for healthy growth and foliage development.

Water-Soluble Fertilizer

Opt for a water-soluble fertilizer for your small Hawaiian Umbrella bonsai tree. Water-soluble fertilizers are easy to dilute and apply during watering sessions, allowing for even distribution of nutrients to the roots. They are readily absorbed by the plant, promoting efficient nutrient uptake.


Hawaiian Umbrella bonsai trees benefit from the presence of micronutrients, such as iron, manganese, zinc, and copper. These trace elements support various metabolic processes and contribute to overall plant health. Look for a fertilizer that includes micronutrients in its formulation or consider using a separate micronutrient supplement.

Slow-Release Fertilizer

Consider using a slow-release fertilizer to provide a continuous and controlled release of nutrients over an extended period. Slow-release fertilizers are beneficial for bonsai trees as they prevent the risk of over-fertilization and provide a consistent supply of nutrients, reducing the need for frequent application.

Organic Options

If you prefer organic fertilizers, choose an organic fertilizer specifically formulated for bonsai trees or indoor plants. Organic fertilizers are derived from natural sources and provide a gentle and sustainable nutrient supply. They also contribute to improving soil health and promoting beneficial microorganisms.

Recommended Fertilizers for Small Hawaiian Umbrella Bonsai Trees

Jack’s Classic All Purpose Water-Soluble Plant Food

This water-soluble fertilizer with a balanced NPK ratio is suitable for a variety of plants, including Hawaiian Umbrella bonsai trees. It is easy to use and provides essential nutrients for healthy growth.

Bonsai Outlet Slow-Release Bonsai Fertilizer Pellets

These slow-release fertilizer pellets are specifically designed for bonsai trees. They gradually release nutrients over several months, providing a steady supply of nourishment to your Hawaiian Umbrella bonsai tree.

Espoma Organic Indoor Plant Food

This organic water-soluble fertilizer is suitable for indoor bonsai trees. It contains a balanced NPK ratio and is derived from natural sources, promoting healthy growth and foliage.

Remember to follow the instructions provided by the fertilizer manufacturer regarding dilution, application frequency, and dosage. Regular monitoring of your Hawaiian Umbrella bonsai tree’s response to the fertilizer will help you adjust the application to meet its specific needs. Combined with proper watering and overall bonsai care, the right fertilizer will ensure the optimal health and beauty of your small Hawaiian Umbrella bonsai tree.

Golden Hawaiian Umbrella Bonsai Tree – Small

Proper fertilization plays a vital role in the growth and health of your bonsai tree, including the small Golden Hawaiian Umbrella (Schefflera arboricola ‘Gold Capella’) bonsai tree. Selecting the right fertilizer is crucial to provide essential nutrients for vibrant foliage and overall vitality. In this post, we will discuss the key considerations when choosing a fertilizer for your small Golden Hawaiian Umbrella bonsai tree and suggest some suitable options.

Balanced NPK Ratio

Look for a balanced fertilizer with a similar or equal NPK ratio, such as 10-10-10 or 14-14-14. This balanced ratio ensures a steady supply of essential nutrients, including nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), which are necessary for healthy growth and foliage development.

Slow-Release Fertilizer

Consider using a slow-release fertilizer for your small Golden Hawaiian Umbrella bonsai tree. Slow-release fertilizers provide a continuous and controlled release of nutrients over an extended period, reducing the risk of over-fertilization and providing a consistent supply of nourishment.

Water-Soluble Fertilizer

Opt for a water-soluble fertilizer that can be easily diluted and applied during regular watering sessions. This allows for even distribution of nutrients to the roots of your bonsai tree. Water-soluble fertilizers are readily absorbed by the plant, promoting efficient nutrient uptake.


Golden Hawaiian Umbrella bonsai trees, like their green counterparts, benefit from the presence of micronutrients such as iron, manganese, zinc, and copper. Look for a fertilizer that includes micronutrients in its formulation or consider using a separate micronutrient supplement to ensure your bonsai tree receives all the necessary trace elements.

Organic Options

If you prefer organic fertilizers, choose an organic fertilizer specifically formulated for bonsai trees or indoor plants. Organic fertilizers are derived from natural sources and provide a gentle and sustainable nutrient supply. They also contribute to improving soil health and promoting beneficial microorganisms.

Recommended Fertilizers for Small Golden Hawaiian Umbrella Bonsai Trees

Osmocote Plus Outdoor and Indoor Smart-Release Plant Food

This slow-release fertilizer is formulated with a balanced NPK ratio and provides essential nutrients for your Golden Hawaiian Umbrella bonsai tree. It releases nutrients gradually over several months, ensuring a steady supply of nourishment.

Miracle-Gro Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food

This water-soluble fertilizer is suitable for a variety of plants, including Golden Hawaiian Umbrella bonsai trees. It contains a balanced NPK ratio and provides quick and efficient nutrient uptake when mixed with water during regular watering.

Espoma Organic Indoor Liquid Plant Food

If you prefer organic options, this organic liquid fertilizer is suitable for indoor Golden Hawaiian Umbrella bonsai trees. It is derived from natural sources and provides a gentle and sustainable nutrient supply for healthy growth and vibrant foliage.

Remember to follow the instructions provided by the fertilizer manufacturer regarding dilution, application frequency, and dosage. Regular monitoring of your Golden Hawaiian Umbrella bonsai tree’s response to the fertilizer will help you adjust the application to meet its specific needs. Combined with proper watering and overall bonsai care, the right fertilizer will ensure the optimal health and beauty of your small Golden Hawaiian Umbrella bonsai tree.

Baby Jade Bonsai Tree – Small

Proper fertilization is essential for the health and growth of your bonsai tree, including the small Baby Jade (Portulacaria afra) bonsai tree. Selecting the right fertilizer is crucial to provide the necessary nutrients for vibrant foliage and overall vitality. In this post, we will discuss the key considerations when choosing a fertilizer for your small Baby Jade bonsai tree and suggest some suitable options.

Balanced NPK Ratio

Look for a balanced fertilizer with a similar or equal NPK ratio, such as 10-10-10 or 14-14-14. This balanced ratio ensures a steady supply of essential nutrients, including nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), which are necessary for healthy growth and foliage development.

Succulent-Specific Fertilizer

Baby Jade bonsai trees belong to the succulent family and have specific nutritional requirements. Consider using a fertilizer specifically formulated for succulents or cacti. These fertilizers are designed to meet the unique needs of succulent plants, providing the right balance of nutrients and preventing over-fertilization.

Diluted Fertilizer

Baby Jade bonsai trees are relatively sensitive to fertilizer concentrations. It is important to dilute the fertilizer to half or quarter strength as compared to the recommended dosage. This will prevent the risk of fertilizer burn and ensure the optimal health of your Baby Jade bonsai tree.

Slow-Release Fertilizer

Using a slow-release fertilizer can be beneficial for Baby Jade bonsai trees. Slow-release fertilizers provide a continuous and controlled release of nutrients over time, ensuring a consistent supply of nourishment to your bonsai tree. This helps to maintain balanced growth and reduces the need for frequent fertilization.

Organic Options

If you prefer organic fertilizers, choose an organic fertilizer specifically formulated for succulents or indoor plants. Organic fertilizers derived from natural sources provide a gentle and sustainable nutrient supply. They contribute to improving soil health and promoting beneficial microorganisms.

Recommended Fertilizers for Small Baby Jade Bonsai Trees

Schultz Cactus Plus 2-7-7 Liquid Plant Food

This liquid fertilizer is specifically formulated for succulent plants and provides a balanced NPK ratio suitable for Baby Jade bonsai trees. It is easy to use and can be diluted to the appropriate strength for your bonsai tree.

Espoma Organic Cactus Plant Food

This organic granular fertilizer is designed for cacti and succulent plants. It is derived from natural sources and provides a gentle and sustainable nutrient supply for your Baby Jade bonsai tree.

Jobe’s Organics Succulent Plant Food

This organic fertilizer is specifically formulated for succulents and is enriched with beneficial microbes. It promotes healthy growth and provides essential nutrients for your Baby Jade bonsai tree.

Remember to follow the instructions provided by the fertilizer manufacturer regarding dilution, application frequency, and dosage. Regular monitoring of your Baby Jade bonsai tree’s response to the fertilizer will help you adjust the application to meet its specific needs. Combined with proper watering and overall bonsai care, the right fertilizer will ensure the optimal health and beauty of your small Baby Jade bonsai tree.

Mugo Pine Bonsai Tree – Small

Proper fertilization is crucial for the health and development of your bonsai tree, including the small Mugo Pine (Pinus mugo) bonsai tree. Selecting the right fertilizer is essential to provide the necessary nutrients for healthy growth and vibrant foliage. In this post, we will discuss the key considerations when choosing a fertilizer for your small Mugo Pine bonsai tree and suggest some suitable options.

Balanced NPK Ratio

Look for a balanced fertilizer with a similar or equal NPK ratio, such as 10-10-10 or 14-14-14. This balanced ratio ensures a steady supply of essential nutrients, including nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), which are necessary for healthy root development, foliage growth, and overall vigor.

Slow-Release Fertilizer

Consider using a slow-release fertilizer for your small Mugo Pine bonsai tree. Slow-release fertilizers provide a controlled release of nutrients over an extended period, ensuring a continuous supply of nourishment to the roots. This helps prevent over-fertilization and provides consistent growth.

Acidic Formulation

Mugo Pine bonsai trees thrive in acidic soil conditions. Look for a fertilizer with an acidic formulation or designed specifically for acid-loving plants. This helps maintain the proper pH level in the soil, promoting nutrient availability and overall plant health.


Mugo Pine bonsai trees, like other conifers, benefit from the presence of micronutrients such as iron, manganese, zinc, and copper. These trace elements are crucial for various metabolic processes and overall plant vitality. Choose a fertilizer that includes micronutrients in its formulation or consider using a separate micronutrient supplement.

Organic Options

If you prefer organic fertilizers, choose an organic fertilizer specifically formulated for conifers or evergreen plants. Organic fertilizers derived from natural sources provide a gentle and sustainable nutrient supply. They also contribute to improving soil health and promoting beneficial microorganisms.

Recommended Fertilizers for Small Mugo Pine Bonsai Trees

Dyna-Gro Foliage-Pro

This liquid fertilizer with a balanced NPK ratio is suitable for various types of bonsai trees, including Mugo Pine. It provides essential nutrients and is well-suited for foliar feeding, ensuring efficient absorption by the foliage.

Jobe’s Organics Evergreen Fertilizer Spikes

These slow-release fertilizer spikes are specifically formulated for evergreen trees, including Mugo Pine bonsai trees. They provide a controlled release of nutrients over time, promoting healthy growth and lush foliage.

Espoma Organic Holly-tone

This organic granular fertilizer is designed for acid-loving plants such as Mugo Pines. It contains a balanced NPK ratio and provides essential nutrients while maintaining the proper pH level in the soil.

Remember to follow the instructions provided by the fertilizer manufacturer regarding application frequency, dosage, and dilution if applicable. Regular monitoring of your Mugo Pine bonsai tree’s response to the fertilizer will help you adjust the application to meet its specific needs. Combined with proper watering and overall bonsai care, the right fertilizer will ensure the optimal health and beauty of your small Mugo Pine bonsai tree.

Ficus ‘Too Little’ Bonsai Tree – Small

Proper fertilization is essential for the health and vitality of your bonsai tree, including the small Ficus ‘Too Little’ bonsai tree. Selecting the right fertilizer is crucial to provide the necessary nutrients for lush foliage and overall growth. In this post, we will discuss the key considerations when choosing a fertilizer for your small Ficus ‘Too Little’ bonsai tree and suggest some suitable options.

Balanced NPK Ratio

Look for a balanced fertilizer with a similar or equal NPK ratio, such as 10-10-10 or 14-14-14. This balanced ratio ensures a steady supply of essential nutrients, including nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), which are necessary for healthy foliage development, root growth, and overall plant vigor.

Water-Soluble Fertilizer

Consider using a water-soluble fertilizer for your Ficus ‘Too Little’ bonsai tree. Water-soluble fertilizers are easy to use and can be mixed with water during regular watering sessions. This allows for efficient nutrient absorption by the roots, promoting healthy growth and vibrant foliage.

Diluted Application

Ficus ‘Too Little’ bonsai trees are relatively sensitive to fertilizer concentrations. It is important to dilute the fertilizer to half or quarter strength as compared to the recommended dosage. This helps prevent the risk of over-fertilization and ensures the optimal health of your bonsai tree.


Ficus ‘Too Little’ bonsai trees, like other ficus varieties, can benefit from the presence of micronutrients such as iron, manganese, zinc, and copper. These trace elements are essential for various metabolic processes and overall plant health. Look for a fertilizer that includes micronutrients in its formulation or consider using a separate micronutrient supplement.

Organic Options

If you prefer organic fertilizers, choose an organic fertilizer specifically formulated for bonsai trees or indoor plants. Organic fertilizers derived from natural sources provide a gentle and sustainable nutrient supply. They also contribute to improving soil health and promoting beneficial microorganisms.

Recommended Fertilizers for Small Ficus ‘Too Little’ Bonsai Trees

Miracle-Gro Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food

This water-soluble fertilizer is suitable for a variety of plants, including Ficus ‘Too Little’ bonsai trees. It contains a balanced NPK ratio and provides quick and efficient nutrient uptake when mixed with water during regular watering.

Dyna-Gro Bonsai Pro

This liquid fertilizer is specifically formulated for bonsai trees and contains a balanced NPK ratio. It provides essential nutrients and promotes healthy growth and vibrant foliage.

Espoma Organic Indoor Liquid Plant Food

If you prefer organic options, this organic liquid fertilizer is suitable for indoor Ficus ‘Too Little’ bonsai trees. It is derived from natural sources and provides a gentle and sustainable nutrient supply for healthy growth.

Remember to follow the instructions provided by the fertilizer manufacturer regarding dilution, application frequency, and dosage. Regular monitoring of your Ficus ‘Too Little’ bonsai tree’s response to the fertilizer will help you adjust the application to meet its specific needs. Combined with proper watering and overall bonsai care, the right fertilizer will ensure the optimal health and beauty of your small Ficus ‘Too Little’ bonsai tree.

Flowering Brush Cherry Bonsai Tree – Small

Proper fertilization is vital for the health and blooming of your bonsai tree, including the small Flowering Brush Cherry (Eugenia myrtifolia) bonsai tree. Selecting the right fertilizer is crucial to provide the necessary nutrients for vibrant flowers, healthy foliage, and overall growth. In this post, we will discuss the key considerations when choosing a fertilizer for your small Flowering Brush Cherry bonsai tree and suggest some suitable options.

Balanced NPK Ratio

Look for a balanced fertilizer with a similar or equal NPK ratio, such as 10-10-10 or 14-14-14. This balanced ratio ensures a steady supply of essential nutrients, including nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), which are necessary for overall plant health, flower production, and foliage development.

High Phosphorus Content

Flowering Brush Cherry bonsai trees require an adequate supply of phosphorus to promote blooming. Look for a fertilizer with a higher phosphorus content (the second number in the NPK ratio). A fertilizer with an NPK ratio like 5-10-5 or 10-20-10 would be suitable for encouraging flower formation.

Water-Soluble Fertilizer

Consider using a water-soluble fertilizer for your Flowering Brush Cherry bonsai tree. Water-soluble fertilizers are easy to apply and can be mixed with water during regular watering sessions. This ensures efficient nutrient absorption by the roots, promoting healthy growth, and encouraging beautiful flowers.

Slow-Release Fertilizer

Using a slow-release fertilizer can be beneficial for Flowering Brush Cherry bonsai trees. Slow-release fertilizers provide a continuous and controlled release of nutrients over time, ensuring a consistent supply of nourishment to your bonsai tree. This helps maintain balanced growth and reduces the need for frequent fertilization.

Organic Options

If you prefer organic fertilizers, choose an organic fertilizer specifically formulated for flowering plants or bonsai trees. Organic fertilizers derived from natural sources provide a gentle and sustainable nutrient supply. They also contribute to improving soil health and promoting beneficial microorganisms.

Recommended Fertilizers for Small Flowering Brush Cherry Bonsai Trees

Jack’s Classic Blossom Booster Fertilizer

This water-soluble fertilizer is formulated specifically for blooming plants. It has a high phosphorus content to promote flower production and a balanced NPK ratio to support overall plant health.

Osmocote Smart-Release Plant Food

This slow-release fertilizer is suitable for various plants, including Flowering Brush Cherry bonsai trees. It provides a controlled release of nutrients over time, ensuring continuous nourishment for healthy growth and blooming.

Espoma Organic Flower-tone Plant Food

If you prefer organic options, this organic granular fertilizer is designed for flowering plants. It contains a balanced NPK ratio and is enriched with beneficial microbes to promote healthy blooms and overall plant vigor.

Remember to follow the instructions provided by the fertilizer manufacturer regarding application frequency, dosage, and dilution if applicable. Regular monitoring of your Flowering Brush Cherry bonsai tree’s response to the fertilizer will help you adjust the application to meet its specific needs. Combined with proper watering and overall bonsai care, the right fertilizer will ensure the optimal health and abundant blooming of your small Flowering Brush Cherry bonsai tree.


Apply the above tips and you’ll have thriving bonsai trees.

Where To Buy The Best Fertilizer For Bonsai Trees

With these resources, you’ll be able to find the best bonsai trees for your needs. You can also check local nurseries and garden centres to find a wide variety of other options.

But for the best prices all year round, including shipping (somes times fee) go here. You won’t be disappointed.

Happy fertilizing!

About the author 

Greg Reed

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